Digital Overwhelm vs Digital Transformation: How Less Apps Means More Efficiency in the New World

The world is awash with apps that are intended to increase productivity and make our lives easier. The problem is they often have the opposite effect.

App fatigue and user complexity is real, and it’s more than likely affecting every everyone you engage by stifling their ability to get things done efficiently. In fact, technicians are suffering at the hands of a technology overload that has a habit of throwing more apps at the problem to try and solve issues caused by the other apps. It’s a vicious circle and no one is getting any more productive.

In today’s digital transformation era, organisations are increasingly turning to a multitude of digital data capture tools to improve maintenance processes. However, this well-intentioned approach has led to unintended consequences, making maintenance a complicated and time-consuming process. Service providers now face the challenge of navigating a myriad of apps and tools, leading to what can be termed “app overload.”

How do you go about slimming down that ever-growing list of shiny new productivity tools for your contractors and business?

This presentation will delve into the problems associated with the proliferation of digital tools in maintenance, offering practical insights and solutions to streamline workflow processes. We will discuss the adverse effects of app overload on technicians and how it hampers their productivity. Moreover, we’ll explore strategies for achieving a balanced approach that maximizes the benefits of digital tools while minimizing their hindrances.

Glenn Talbot-Round

Glenn Talbot

Managing Director, Verified

Glenn Talbot is the founder and Managing Director of Verified, Australia’s leading SaaS solution for managing risk and safety, building compliance, work permit, visitor management, and delivery verification. He has been General Manager of some of Australia’s leading service providers, has managed manufacturing facilities in Australia and New Zealand, and been responsible for national and international product distribution. He holds an Associate Diploma in Applied Science and remains as an Independent Chair for Australian Standards, Chairing committee FP-001, the committee responsible for the development of AS 1851 “Routine Service of fire protection systems and equipment”.  He has been a volunteer Board member and President of a successful not-for-profit industry association.