Responsible end of life management of ODS & SGS fire extinguishing agents

Fire suppression is key and critical to everyday life, designed to protect what matters most – people, property and the environment. Driven by the Montreal Protocol since 1997 and translated into domestic legislation, we have seen significant shifts in the industry towards moving away from harmful ozone depleting substances like halons with very long lifetimes in the atmosphere, to the adoption of clean agents with zero ozone depletion and zero global warming impacts when released.

 Our industry operates within a heavily regulated market, the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 and regulations, imposes import quotas and affects those who buy, sell or handle ozone depleting substances (ODS) or synthetic greenhouse gases (SGG) in fire protection. In a constantly changing world, we are also seeing more and more commitments to Sustainability and Net Zero by the corporate world and countries alike. Climate change is undeniable. So how does our industry comply with regulations and be environmentally and socially responsible, all while trying to navigate what happens to those fire extinguishing gases in systems that reach end of life? How do we prevent their harmful emissions? What are some of the challenges being faced and solutions potentially on offer? To learn more about responsible end of life management of ODS & SGG fire extinguishing agents come listen to our speaker Elvira Nigido.

Elvira Nigido

Elvira Nigido

Group Sustainability Compliance Manager, A-Gas

Elvira has close to 30 years’ specialist experience in best practice and life cycle management of fire protection gases like Halons and refrigerants impacted by the Montreal Protocol. During her long career, she has been instrumental in enabling Government, Defence (both nationally and internationally), the private sector and other industry stakeholders set up and deliver various programs and offerings designed to meet their commitments under the Montreal Protocol and achieve their obligations under national regulatory landscapes.

She has been at A-Gas over 10 years and is currently the Group Sustainability Compliance Manager, where her primary objective is to ensure from an inhouse perspective, A-Gas is achieving its sustainability purpose and meeting its nets zero pledge through supporting and implementing a range of emission reduction initiatives.  Being a strong advocate for Life cycle Refrigerant Management (recovery, reclamation, leak management, destruction and transitioning to lower GWP gases), Elvira also enjoys promoting A-Gas’s LRM expertise, the challenges faced and the potential solutions on offer to industry in domestic and international arenas.

Elvira is an active advisory member of the Australian Fire Protection Industry (ODS & SGG) Board and the Australian representative to the United Nations Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee (FSTOC).