Fire Catch Device

The Fire Catch is a device designed to take the stress out of pulling sprinkler heads. In a world-first, Fire NDT have researched, had independently verified, then developed and tested a straightforward way of making sure that headache goes away for everyone involved. Now it doesn’t matter if the layout diagram of the sprinkler installation is out of date or wrong. You can check the wet fire suppression piping simply and easily every time – and in a matter of seconds.

M Donnelly

Mark Donnelly

Founder and Director, Fire NDT

Mark has 10 years’ experience as a mechanical plumber and a further 10 years as a sprinkler fitter. With a curious mind, Mark is always seeking better solutions to real world problems. In this case, is there a better way of determining if there’s pressure behind a sprinkler head before you unscrew it and potentially flood the location with water?