Effective Decision Making in Incident Command

The process by which decisions are made and evaluated varies between individuals, yet they are one of the most critically analysed parts of both fire engineering and emergency services response.  In this presentation Dr Drummond will distill more than a decade’s worth of international research and explain in practical terms why this occurs, and what it means for fire safety professionals.  The presentation is suitable for frontline emergency service personnel, fire engineers, and anyone who wants a greater understanding of the how and why of decision-making in complex and critical environments.


Dr Greg Drummond

Assistant Commissioner – Education and Training, Fire and Rescue NSW

An experienced Incident and Strategic Controller, Dr Greg Drummond is an Assistant Commissioner with Fire and Rescue New South Wales, and an Adjunct Professor with the University of New South Wales. With more than 30 publications to his name, his research interests are complex adaptive systems, complexity, metacognition, and emergency management and he has lectured on effective decision-making for fire and police services across Australia.  He holds key roles in the UNSW / FRNSW iFire AI Immersive Simulation partnership; the NHRA Improving Decision-making in Emergency Management research project; and the development of the AFAC Australian National Operating Guidelines for Decision-Making.