Navigating Prescriptive Design Standards for Water-Based Fire Sprinkler Systems

This session provides an in-depth exploration of the critical considerations that design professionals must evaluate when developing a fire sprinkler system. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of prescriptive design methodologies and requirements as outlined in NFPA 13, EN 12845, FMDS 3-26, FMDS 8-9, and AS 2118.1. Through a comparative analysis, the program will highlight key differences and similarities between these standards, guiding professionals in selecting the appropriate approach for various applications. Additionally, the session will emphasise the importance of using certified products to ensure system reliability and effectiveness in the event of an unplanned fire emergency. By the end of the program, participants will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to confidently navigate fire sprinkler design standards and make informed decisions that enhance fire protection system performance and compliance.

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Mark Fessenden

Managing Director, International Fire Suppression Alliance (IFSA)

Mark Fessenden is a globally recognised expert in active fire protection systems, including water-based systems (automatic sprinkler, water spray fixed systems, and watermist) and special hazard systems (clean agent, CO2, wet chemical, dry chemical, and foam). For the last three decades Mark has been involved with the manufacturing of active fire protection systems. His focus has been on the development of new technologies, codes & standards, sales and business development, technical services, training, and general management.

Mark was the 2024 recipient of the NFSA Russell P. Fleming Technical Service Award, the 2021 recipient of the SFPE Harold E. Nelson Service Award and the 2017 recipient of the NFPA Industrial Fire Protection Section Fire Prevention Award. Marks has several patents in technologies related to water-based fire protection systems. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from New England Institute of Technology and an MBA from Corban University.

Mark serves as the Managing Director of the International Fire Suppression Alliance, an organisation dedicated to the global promotion of the use of effective water-based fire protection systems.