Key ingredients for sustainable and utilitarian best practice building regulation


Kim Lovegrove

Founder, Lovegrove & Cotton Lawyers

Adjunct Professor Kim Lovegrove MSE, RML is Chair of the International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) and has been deployed by the World Bank to advise governments in China and Southern Africa on best practice approaches to building regulation design. Has been retained twice by the Japanese government for law reform think tanks. Was a principal architect of the Victorian Building Act 1993 and the National Model Building Act, his reforms have shaped building control systems across multiple jurisdictions. Is currently engaged by the New Zealand Government to develop liability and insurance law reform proposals for its Building Act

Holding four Honorary Professorships, Lovegrove is a leading authority on liability, insurance frameworks, and regulatory best practice. His global impact extends through World Bank projects, legislative development, and international law reform collaborations, ensuring practical and sustainable regulatory solutions for the construction sector.