Home Fire Sprinklers: Where are we at? And where to next?

In 2019, the National Construction Code of Australia accepted an integrated domestic drinking water-fire sprinkler system as a Deemed to Satisfy solution for mandatory automatic fire sprinklers in identified mid-rise shared residential accommodation buildings. The solution – known as 101D – was approved as safe, reliable, cost-effective and fit-for-purpose, and seen a major improvement for community and building fire safety.

More than five years later, what has changed? The ‘Why?’ remains a compelling story – on average, more than one Australian each week becomes a preventable fire fatality, the overwhelming majority occurring in Class 1 homes. So what has been achieved, what’s happening right here and now, and what does the future hold in Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Australia’s quest to have fire sprinklers mandated in all Australian homes?

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Mark Whybro

Chair, Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Australia (HFSCA)

Mark Whybro retired from Fire and Rescue NSW in 2021 after 40 years’ service, ultimately as Assistant Commissioner with state-wide responsibility for prevention and education. He continues to work in public safety: as an Adjunct Fellow helping with fire safety research at Western Sydney University and engaged by FPA Australia as State Advocacy Manager to help with the significant building regulatory reform program underway in NSW.

Since its relaunch in 2019, Mark has chaired the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Australia, a strategic partnership between AFAC and FPA Australia, established as the national independent source of information to the community, industry and Governments about the life-saving value of residential sprinklers.