The link between passive firestop approvals, product quality, building safety & sustainability


Dr. Martin Stirling

Head of Sustainability (Australia) and Regional Process Lead, AMS (A2), Hilti (Aust.) Pty Ltd

Martin is the Codes & Approval (Passive Firestop) / Work Health &Safety Manager at Hilti Australia. Martin is originally a mechanical engineer, who did post graduate studies in materials engineering. Since 2004, he has worked with Hilti Australia in a variety of roles, mostly aimed at bringing safer, more productive solutions to contractors in the building industry when using tools and when installing fasteners & passive firestop products. His current role includes working with internal and external stakeholders to ensure improved building safety through quality installation of quality passive firestop products, as well as maintaining responsibility for health and safety. He has a passion for simplicity in our increasingly complex world, loves the outdoors, trail running, cycling and also does the occasional triathlon.