Barrier Thinking and Preparedness Measures for protection against Bushfires

Rod will explore the Oil industry “Barrier Thinking” approach to Preparedness Measures for the protection of buildings against the three (3) threats of Bushfire. This approach looks at the Process Safety “Bow Tie” model and James Reason’s “Swiss Cheese” model to provides some insights into how these are used. There will be discussion around what an effective barrier is, what is the Top Event and how Barrier Counting can be used to manage Risks. And finally, he will present information on the Risks of each of the Bushfire threats using industry data to build a compelling case for change.  There will be an opportunity for Q&A as well.

Rod O'Loan Photo

Rod O'Loan

Chief Operating Officer, Stainless Steel Wire & Mesh

Rod holds a Chemical Engineering degree and has worked for an Australian Mining company and an International Oil Gas Company. He has worked in Engineering roles, leadership roles and more recently Risk Management roles. He started his professional career around the same time as the North Sea “Piper Alpha” Oil Rig accident which has shaped his thinking on Safety.

He will explore the Oil industry “Barrier Thinking Approach” to Preparedness Measures for the protection of buildings against the three threats of Bushfire. This approach looks at the “Bow Tie Model” and provides some insights into the Top Event and the effectiveness of barriers.  He will present information on the Risks of each of the threats to build a compelling case for change.

He is currently the Chief Operating Officer of a business that supplies Bushfire Mesh within Australia and the US.