NFPA Fire and Life Safety Ecosystem Applications and Lessons Learned

In 2018, NFPA introduced the NFPA Fire & Life Safety EcosystemTM – a framework that defines the eight elements necessary to create and maintain an effective safety environment. The ecosystem includes policymakers setting the right regulatory framework; jurisdictions using the most updated codes and standards; applying all of the standards – including referenced standards; prioritizing safety across the board; promoting the development of skilled workers in the design, installation, inspection and ongoing maintenance; supporting effective code enforcement; providing effective preparedness and response capabilities; and educating the public on the dangers posed by these hazards. Every cog is essential; when one or more elements of the ecosystem is missing or ignored, tragedies can occur. The NFPA Fire & Life Safety Ecosystem™ is a framework that identifies the components that must work together to minimize risk and help prevent loss, injuries, and death from fire, electrical, and other hazards.

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Chris Dubay

Vice President and Chief Engineer, National Fire Protection Association (USA)

Christian Dubay is vice president and chief engineer for the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). In this role, he oversees engineering and research including standards development, standards publishing, electrical and fire protection systems engineering, building and life safety fire protection engineering, industrial and chemical engineering, emergency response and responder safety, research, and the Fire Protection Research Foundation. In addition, he oversees NFPA’s standards administration which is responsible for the development process of the 300+ NFPA codes and standards. Mr. Dubay also serves as the chief technical spokesperson for the association.

In addition to his responsibilities at NFPA, Mr. Dubay currently serves as Chair of the ANSI Board of Directors.